Saturday, November 22, 2008

It's Thanksgiving Already?

Oh my goodness, the season is here! It just sort of snuck up on me this year. Thanksgiving is just a week away. As my husband and I try to get ourselves moved out to Oceanside, I just haven't paid attention to the weeks ticking away. But here we are, now, my most favorite time of year has arrived. It's all about family, comforts, good food, reminiscing, and looking forward. This year will be the first year that my family will be without one of our kids with us ~ Katelyn, our youngest, will be in England studying at Newcastle University over Thanksgiving. I will have a hard time of it, not having her here with us, but Katelyn will have it harder, with no one to share turkey and stuffing with. It's just another day, in the UK. I'm hoping I can get started on a quilt for her, one that was featured in Quiltmaker's, "Quilting & Embroidery" Summer 2008 issue. It is called, "5 Little Monkeys":

Katelyn loves sock monkeys so I thought she'd have fun with this, and have a little bit of mom with her in England. "Quilting & Embroidery" is a great magazine for inspiration, for quilters who like to combine machine embroidery with quilting. I've always loved "Quiltmaker Magazine" and especially "Quilter's Newsletter" for quilting, and I think they've done a great job with their seasonal sister magazine.

Well, I figure if I get started on this quilt, and really get into it, maybe Murphy will come along and drop one of his big rules on us, and we'll have an answer on one of the two houses we have an offer on ~ and have had an offer on for two months, now, and I'll have to hastily pack up the quilt. The real estate market in Southern California is really difficult right now, so plans for being in our new place by the holidays just isn't looking like it will happen. So instead, we'll look forward to one more "white Christmas", instead of the possibility of swimming in our pool for Christmas.

Will report back on my quilt progress. And a few Christmas gifts I have on the docket to get done. Hope everyone has a gentle and loving Thanksgiving holiday out there! Stay warm and safe, for all those traveling to their respective families this Thanksgiving!



Maggie in the UK said...

Hi Patty
How lovely to read your blog and see your piccie with your lovely daughter. Hope Kate was OK here in the UK on thanksgiving - Im sure she will love that quilt - beware her new friends will all want one! Good luck with the move, and keep up the blogging -

Patty Sliney said...

Why, thank you, Maggie! My first attempt at a blog, and thank you for the compliment! That's me and my lovely dd#1, Meagan. She's our ballerina. Katelyn's the brains of the operation, and Samantha is the fitness buff. I have all bases covered, lol!! Katie has already told us how homesick she's going to be, but her flatmates are darling girls, and are going to take good care of her:-) One flatmate is from Wales, and the other is a Lancashire lass from "Baaahrnleee" which is Katie's somewhat feeble attempt to mimic that pretty distinctive Lancashire accent! The three of them have LOADS of fun teasing each other about their respective accents, it's pretty hilarious. They need to send me a video of their attempts to be each other. She's in great company, and will be home for the Christmas holiday, so we only have a few weeks to wait, to see her. I'd love to make the girls lap quilts. If I can ever get moved and settled, that would be a great way to thank them both for being such great friends to Katie!