Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Grocery Shopping Efficiently ~ Or Not

I was trying to be efficient, really I was. Having so little time, I thought that I might try to apply some of my work talents. As a Projects Manager, one of my responsibilities is to develop efficiencies , so I thought, "Okay, let's go at this efficiently. That's what you do all day at work." I pulled out all the special recipes, made up the first, "check the cupboard" list, then made the first draft grocery list, then organized all the items by grocery aisle, and drafted the FINAL grocery list. "Well done, Patty", I said to myself, just a wee bit too smugly (that should have been the tip off, but apparently I was too busy feeling rather - well - efficient, to be listening). Go to the grocery store, efficiently placing the necessary items into the basket, then come home to unload. My wonderful husband, as he's helping unload asks the critical question: "Where's the turkey?" Good question. Apparently, in my fervor to focus on the efficiencies I missed the bigger picture, which, of course, would be the main event - the turkey. Amazing. Fortunately, the darling husband was up to the task, and after armed with very specific instructions (not too big, has to be a hen, if it's bigger than 12 lbs., it has to be fresh or it won't defrost in time, and a few other critical pieces of information), we're ready to go for tomorrow's big meal. Ah, the joys of working a busy, demanding job with an hour and a half one-way commute, whilst still trying to pull off a big family holiday event. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone, and focus on the bigger picture, forget the efficiencies, and savor your blessings, your family, friends, and good food!!



Bunny said...

Happy Thanksgiving Patty! Nice to see you have a blog. I entered the blogging world early March I think, have a hard time keeping it up at times, but it is fun and a little time consuming and you know we all have so little of that these days. Nice to have some wonderful hobbies to keep us busy.
Have a great Family Day.

Patty Sliney said...

Thank you, Bunny! You'll have to leave your blog URL so I can check yours out! And thank you for the well wishes for Thanksgiving. I'd offer you the same, but your Thanksgiving has come and gone, I hope it was a happy one. Poor Katie is in England, and trying to explain to her flatmates what our Thanksgiving is all about, lol! Hoping I can keep my blog up to date, and still squeeze in time to sew, embroider and quilt.

Anonymous said...

It is hard to read your blog with the Christmas template.

Patty Sliney said...

I know, Roberta, but it was SO pretty, I couldn't resist :-) Plus, if you scroll, you can find a spot where you can read it. I'll change it up as I go, just loved the look of this template.

LIN said...

Hi Patty, It's great to see you in the blog world. I'm looking forward to seeing your quilting and embroidery creations. The Monkey quilt should be fun and your daughter will love it. Thanks for adding my blog to your side bar of links. LIN